Claims Management
A better, more efficient, smarter way to move claims forward
Streamlining claims adjudication – the right way
PCMS Atlas Claim Management simplifies claims processing across the complete lifecycle (value chain), empowering insurance carriers to automate manual work, gain better control into processes and performance, and ultimately saving time and money – achieving higher quality outcomes.
Key Features
- Support Personal, Commercial, Workers’ Compensation, and Specialty lines
- Robust out-of-the-box functionality and user centric experience
- Dynamic intelligent claim intake (FNOL /FROI) processing
- Centralized Claim and Incident Data
- 360-degree claim summary view
- Maintain diaries, notes, tasks across the claim
- Claim Segmentation (split assignment based on coverage type)
- Support Workload Balancing
- Straight-through processing (support low-touch and no-touch claims)
- Reserve Worksheet (support multiple versions and sub-benefit level reserving)
- Flexible Payments (one-time, recurring, split, bundled)
- Catastrophe Management
- Automated Escalation Alerts (Fraud, SIU, CAT, other events)
- Support full Recovery Management (Subro, Salvage, Second Injury Fund)
- Support Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Reporting and Compliance

Increase customer retention
Faster, more satisfying, and better overall claim experience for the policyholder
Optimize operational efficiency
Straight-through Processing, increases claim handling capacity for adjusters by eliminating repetitive tasks
Reduce costs
Automated best practices, minimize errors and identify those claim leakage areas
Ensure Regulatory Reporting and Compliance
Stay compliant with accurate automated reporting (CMS 111, FROI/SROI)