Agent Portal
An intuitive solution that enables better engagement and increases productivity
Information at your fingertips
A feature rich, configurable portal for agents to accomplish their work whenever and wherever, designed to maximize the number of no-touch interactions bringing details like contact information, policy data, and coverages to your fingertips.
Key Features
- Fully integrated with policy administration, claims management and billing & accounting
- Available for all Property & Casualty lines of business
- Generate all Policy forms and correspondence, real-time
- Access various management reports, real-time
- Provide agents with easy access to the policyholders claims history
- Complete management of billing information
- Support various payment methods
- Automated invoice generation and submission to the policyholder
- Robust security, utilizing permission-role-based access controls
- Consistent look and feel, flexible user interface, simplified digital experience for all users
- Ability to send timely notification messages to agents and policyholders
- Support workflow and rules configuration for all agent transactions
- Full-featured mobile application
- Support e-signature capture and verification
- API integration with any third-party technology

Improve Agent efficiency and productivity
Ability to focus on more complex service tasks and relationship building
Better customer engagement
Reduce engagement friction and allow for greater business growth
Reduce overall support costs
Drive down maintenance and support costs with intuitive tools and automating data exchanges
Improve visibility
Greater information exchange – flexible portal access anywhere, anytime, on any device
Enhanced customer satisfaction
Instant gratification – policyholders do not have to come into the agent office to get insurance cards, make changes, or sign policy and claim documents